Monday, January 3, 2011

A Chili Sort of Day

This weekend I was trying to figure out what to eat for lunch at work this week, so I decided to make some chili.  For more than one reason, this has turned out to be a great idea. Not many things come close to being better than chili on a cold day.

My ride into work this morning was 13 degrees with many icy spots. I had contemplated putting the studded tires on but opted not. The trails weren't too bad as they had some crunchy snow on top to add traction. The real sketchy parts were on the roads themselves, with many a close call, but I kept myself upright the whole ride.

The past weekend was a little hit and miss in the workout department. I did get about 3 hours of riding in and 6 miles of running. One could say the rest of it was spent relaxing from the past month. I watched several movies on Netflix, did some research, washed a crap load of lycra (I think my wardrobe now is over 50% lycra),  experimenting with food, changing a flat tire, and getting the workouts done. I think I relaxed too much since my thoughts on what to write are just not there today. I'm just real happy that this year is getting started off on the right foot.

Hopefully, everyone had a great weekend too and didn't get in too much trouble. Time to finish my chili.

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