Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The year is almost over and I for one am putting it all behind me. Here is a quick breakdown of why it sucked:

1) Lost my job in April. (Not too upset about it since I wasn't happy there in the first place. Just a plain crappy company, think Initech.)
2) Since losing my job, I couldn't really race like I wanted to. 
3) Had to really tighten the purse strings. 
4) Didn't find work in my field until October.
5) Pretty much threw the training schedule out the window.
6) Had to get a new washer.
7) Had to get 4 new tires for the car.

What didn't suck about the year:

1) Had a job working at a bike shop, Bike Pedalers. Definitely a dream job.
2) Got to ride my bike a lot. Started commuting every day and am still doing it.
3) Raced all the local races, except the Time Trials, I really hate those. Money was tight but I wanted to race.
4) Found a great job at the end of October. No bike shop but it pays the bills.
5) Hanging out with great friends.
6) Raced Jingle Cross.
7) Doing the yearly Christmas puppet show.

Ok, so there were an even number of likes and dislikes. However, most of the dislikes carried a greater burden and made the year tough instead of tolerable. That's all behind me now.

Also, I'm going to do my best at getting back to blogging. Mostly because it's easier to type than to write in my journal. The journal will be left for the more abrasive and emotional writing.

What I will concentrate on will be cycling related things like product reviews, race reports, training points, and just plain fun stuff in general. The hiatus is now over.


How do i get to my old stuff said...

Welcome back.

Unknown said...

Good to have you back Kevin. Where are you working now?

LoupGarou said...

Thanks you two.

Jon - Working at Nebraska Book Company now as a software developer. Lots of things to keep it fun and interesting. The people are especially great.