Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Been awhile...

It has been some time since I have updated this blog. From one of my many tumbles on the taco run, I must have fallen into some poison oak. My right leg was covered in some nasty itching blisters and it had spread up my torso and down both arms. Thankfully, as of today, everything is much better. The blisters and the rashes are pretty much gone. It was miserable; I think I may have to invest in some of that ivy off stuff people keep telling me about. Especially by the beginning of next season.

Last week, aside from the itching, I was fighting a serious case of the blues. Looking back, I sort of don't blame myself. All summer long I was doing something every weekend, it was usually a race, or a week long ride across some state. Now, all of a sudden, nothing. This may be what psychologists call "withdrawal". When I quit smoking, I did it by just not doing it, never felt a "withdrawal" symptoms. I have done other things, which will not be mentioned, and stopped and never felt it either. Then why now all of a sudden? This might be a worthwhile subject for someone looking for a subject for a paper or something. I'm just too darn lazy to dedicate the time to figure something like that out.

Hopefully my brother will remember to send the stem for my cross bike back to me so I can get it on and go ride it before my first Cyclocross race on the 20th. This should also provide some good fodder for the blog too. Since most people probably enjoy more reading about my bungling around on the bike than my inner wanderings. hehe

This weekend should be a little fun. The teamFIRE group are getting together at Pioneers Park on Saturday evening and riding out to Denton to the corn maze. It should be fun and I enjoy hanging out with those people, they are good people. hehe I am supposed to wear a costume, but I don't think I will be doing that. I really don't want to spend the extra money. I spent so much this past summer on bikes and such, that I need to back off a little.

Also, the new Guitar Hero game comes out on October 27. Woo-hoo!!! I was thinking that it was only going to be available on the Wii, PS3, or Xbox and I would have to get one of those systems. However, I found out that it will be released for the PS2. :)

I have been collecting coke rewards points so I can get myself a Wii. If anyone out there has these caps and doesn't use them, send them my way please. Either e-mail me the codes or give me the caps when you see me. I need a little over a thousand more caps.

This writing was a little cathartic for me today, so I will end this for now. I will try to update at least once a week. More if there is a race weekend. I am so looking forward to next season on and off the road. Things will be so much different.


Marc Walter said...

Heard there's a cross practice out at pioneers wed. Kevin Burke, Troy Krause or Syd would know the details. Check folks from lincoln blog. I'll be torturing spin students.
I've been thinking about cross spin

How do i get to my old stuff said...

keep an eye on FFL
This week it's at Van Dorn Park, south end.

nicol said...

Wow, you must have gotten the poison ivy/oak when you went wandering off the trail the first time and fell? Glad I didn't try that too. :S

Oh, and if I do go on the Corn Maize ride, I am not wearing a costume this time. Some people will, and some won't. No biggie, just come as you are.

Amanda B said...

Didn't you read the surgeon general's warning about cycling? It's highly addictive. Your local congressman is working night and day on a bill to ban it! Hehe. You are an adrenalin junkie my friend. You rode a high all summer and now you come crashing back to reality. Hehe. Glad the poison ivy is better.

gravy said...

Okay... Time for a weekly update...

One of my students is beta testing Hell's Gate 11.. or something like that... And there's a new SV on tonight...